ASUE Associate Professor Sofia Ohanyan has participated at two conferences

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On April and May, 2018 Pan-Armenian Educational and Cultural Union initiated conferences dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia and the 90th anniversary of Pan-Armenian Educational and Cultural Union, which was also attended by the Associate Professor at the Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History, PhD in philosophy Sofya Ohanian.

Sofya Ohanyan presented "The Analysis of the Economic Orientation of Artsakh in the article "Karabakh" by David Ananuni". David Ananuni (Ter-Danielyan) Armenian historian of XX century, publicist, public figure, referring to the perspective of Artsakh's economic development in the context of public-political views, concluded that Artsakh was an inseparable part of Armenia, both historically and politically, nationally, culturally and economically. Sofia Ohanyan's second article was "Dr. Yervand Frangyan: Forgotten Philosopher". It was devoted to Yervand Frangyan, the famous Armenian intellectual of the early 20th century emphasizing the circumstance that the latter had a significant role in the general ideological atmosphere of the era, in the nomination and discussion of philosophical problems, using theoretical justification of national interests and goals tried to make sense of the national identity of the Armenian people, give the Armenian national character.

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