ASUE Joint the CIS Network University Consortium

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We are pleased to announce that the Armenian State University of Economics has joined the prestigious CIS Network University Consortium. This important event was preceded by consistent and purposeful work by the University of Economics. Our University has met all the set criteria.

In September, 2021, ASUE has applied for membership to the CIS Network University Consortium. In December, 2021, a vote was held on the issue of membership of candidate Universities, as a result, ASUE joint the CIS Network University Consortium getting the majority of votes of member Universities.

The initiative to establish Network University belongs to the Russian side with the assistance of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of CIS member states.

On June 11, 2009, Moscow hosted an international forum, headed "Creating Open Network University of Independent States", during which members of the consortium signed an agreement on the establishment of the Network University of the CIS.

The main objective of the Network University is the enhancing cooperation and academic progress, the development of inter-institutional ties in higher education, as well as improving the quality of higher education in the CIS. The project aims at organizing and implementing the joint master's degree programs, mobility of PhD students and highly qualified specialists, strengthening international cooperation, joint research in order to prepare candidate's theses.

Network University of CIS is an educational program between a number of Universities, which gives students the opportunity to study at two partner Universities at the same time (one year in their own University, the other year in the partner institution), and students finally receive diplomas from two Universities.

44 leading Universities of 9 CIS member countries have already joint the Network University.

YSU, V. Brusov State University and National Polytechnic University of Armenia are members of the Network University.