ASUE Council approved ASUE 2022 annual report and approved the new strategy

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Today, the meeting of the Board of the Armenian State University of Economics was held which was chaired by the President of the Republic of Armenia, the Chairman of the Council of ASUE Vahagn Khachaturyan.

Welcoming the members of the Council, the President of RA stated that he is delighted to meet them again and discuss the plans for 2023. Vahagn Khachaturyan emphasized the fact that current difficulties our country faces strengthen the approach that everyone should do their job. The President pointed out that the problems our country faces should not hinder the normal development of the university.

Then ASUE Rector, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Diana Galoyan presented a report on the items of the agenda, when presenting ASUE 2022 annual activities report,  results of 2022 budget execution, 2023 estimate of income and expenditure, as well as 2023-2027 development strategy (the reports and the strategy are published under the headings "Reports" and "Programs" in the section "Documents" of the ASUE official website).

The rector's reports were followed by discussions, the members of the Council first expressed their gratitude for the comprehensive presentation of the university's activities, and then they pointed out the new strategy as being deep and multifaceted, and completely derived from the logic of the reforms implemented in the field of higher education. Members of the Council expressed their willingness to help the university in implementing the planned programs.

After the rector's reports presented, the Council unanimously approved the ASUE 2022 annual report, assessed the results of 2022 income and expenditure estimate as satisfactory for 2022, and approved the results of the budget of income and expenses of 2023 as well as the university's 2023-2027 development strategy.

At the end, the President of the Republic of Armenia, the Chairman of ASUE Council Vahagn Khachaturyan wished the rector, the rector’s office and the staff successes in the implementation of the designated programs, and pointed out that the Council is willing to assist.