ASUE Developed Model Law Wins in CIS Inter-parliamentary Assembly

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On September 10, the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Nature Protection of the CIS Inter-parliamentary Assembly, which develops various model laws for the CIS countries, approved the application of the model law on "Assessing the Impact of Mining Activities on the Health of the Population of the Affected (Environmental) Communities” presented by ASUE.

By the way, in the competition, our University was ahead of the other team that submitted a model law application and had a high rating in the field - Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). The concept of the Armenian team was more acceptable for the competition committee.

"During the last 30 years, no model law has ever been developed in Armenia for the CIS countries. The University of Economics was the first to initiate it and win. I consider it an important achievement for our University. As a result we will have a well-developed law in the field of mining, which will also be adopted by the CIS countries. This will be a wonderful precedent for our University as well, as ASUE will already present its experience in different international platforms”; Mikael Melkumyan told

Let’s add, the draft modular law will be included in the agenda of the CIS Inter-parliamentary Assembly by the end of 2022. Before that, the working group consisting of the best specialists in the field will study the international experience of the CIS countries, will participate in video conferences, will give legal regulations to the draft law.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division