ASUE Futsal Team in "VBET Futsal League Cup" Tournament: The Brilliant Result of the First Meeting is Inspiring

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On June 1, The "VBET Cup of the Futsal League" of Armenia started at the FFA Football Academy, in which,  ASUE futsal team has its brilliant participation. Hovhannes Gabrielyan, Head of ASUE Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense, ASUE Futsal Team Coach-Head informed us about this. All the participants of the tournament passed the coronavirus test, the results were negative. The Cup will bring together 16 futsal teams, including 11 amateur and  5 professional.

Dear football fans, you can watch the games online on the Facebook page of the Futsal League, and you can watch the ASUE-Yeghvard match held on June 2 on VNews Sport YouTube channel.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division