ASUE hosted the Chairman of the SCC Smbat Gogyan

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Today ASUE hosted the chairman of the Supreme Certifying Committee Smbat Gogyan and Deputy Chairman Lilit Mkrtchyan with professorial staff and PhD students at ASUE Big hall. ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan welcomed the initiative of the SCC Chairman to organize such a discussion. Welcoming the presents, Smbat Gogyan noted that ASUE is the first university he has visited to discuss issues related to the academic qualification and degrees, to present the expected changes aimed at improving the quality of the scientific thesis and the process of their defense. He presented SCC approaches connected with the above mentioned issues and procedures. Then the presents addressed their questions to the SCC Chairman and received proper clarifications. At the end of the meeting ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan thanked the SCC Chairman for the meeting. The Rector noted that we admit the fact that there were problems in the sphere and we were ready to improve the field, to cooperate and try to achieve the desired result.
Smbat Gogyan proposed to present all the suggestions and opinions to SCC.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division