ASUE has hosted representatives of partner universities

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On July 4-8, head of the International Business Department of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdansk (Poland) within the frames of Erasmus+ program, Professor Joanna Bednarg, deputy dean of the Faculty of Economics of the same university, Doctor Magdalena Merkevic as well as head of the Chair of Marketing of the University of Economics of Varna (Bulgaria), Associate Professor, institutional coordinator of Erasmus+ Vladimir Zhechev were hosted at ASUE.

Our university was presented to the guests during their visit, and academic staff of the Chair of Marketing of ASUE was present at the event. The guests told about their universities, and about the achievements of their departments. The representative of Bulgaria addressed the successes of Armenian students at the University of Economics of Varna. During the discussion with the director of ASUE External Affairs, joint as well as perspective programs have been addressed.

On July 8, representatives of the University of Gdansk were present at ASUE graduation event.