Representatives of Rosgosstrakh Armenia were Hosted at ASUE

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Today, Diana Galoyan hosted Anahit Astabatsyan, Head of HRM Department of Rosgosstrakh Armenia insurance company and Lusine Gevorgyan, Head of Personnel Recruitment Division accompanied by Ashot Mardoyan, acting Head of the Chair of Banking and Insurance at ASUE in the context of establishing a real partnership with employers.

Diana Galoyan, ASUE acting Rector, welcomed the guests, spoke about the ongoing reforms at ASUE, highlighted the role of insurance specialty, the need for employers to get involved in University life, pointed to areas of mutual interest that have potential for cooperation.

“As an employer you can be involved in developing educational programs, your company professionals can participate in the teaching process, our students can share experiences with you, you can be involved in the selection of student graduation topics proposing the important ones for your company”; Diana Galoyan stated.

Anahit Astabatsyan stressed that their company was ready to continue cooperation with the University of Economics within frames of new proposals and ideas. Lusine Gevorgyan mentioned that it’s nice to see the invitation for open cooperation.

At the end of the meeting the representatives of Rosgosstrakh Armenia insurance company announced that the 4th year students of the Faculty of Finance – Emma Petrosyan and Gohar Tadevosyan, were awarded scholarship. Diana Galoyan awarded the certificates and congratulated them.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division