ASUE is a Place Where You Always Want to Return: Henzel Mkrtchyan

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We summarize the first part of the blitz interviews dedicated to the 45th anniversary of ASUE with Henzel Mkrtchyan, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Higher Mathematics, Honored Lecturer.

- Describe your ASUE in one word or phrase.

- Center for Economic Thought.

- How many years have you been working at ASUE?

-38 years.

- What brings you to University every day?

- My students and colleagues.

- Do you remember when you first came to ASUE, maybe as a student?

- I graduated from YSU, and for the first time I came to ASUE (YSMI) in September, 1981.

Read the whole interview in Armenian version.

ASUE Media a nd Public Relations Division