ASUE Job Fair has Brought Together More Than 50 Employers and About 3500 Job Seekers (photos)

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Today, more 50 employers and about 3500 job seekers met at ASUE yard within the frames of the job fair organized by ASUE and State Employment Agency of the Ministry of Labor and Social Issues of the RA. The initiative, which was also supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia, was widely accepted by the public and many job seekers visited ASUE.

ASUE acting Rector Diana Galoyan welcomed the participants of the job fair, first expressing gratitude to the partners, then highlighted that the event was unprecedented with the number of participating organizations and visitors. The Head of the University noted that the events dedicated to strengthening education-labor relations are highlighted and new projects would be carried out in the near future aimed at identifying employers' requirements and adjusting ASUE education quality measures to employers' needs. She also thanked the participating organizations inviting them to a workshop to be held in November devoted to discussing effective organization of students' experiences and career paths.

Artak Simonyan, acting Director of State Employment Agency of the Ministry of Labor and Social Issues of the RA, welcomed the participants of the job fair, expressed gratitude to the University Leadership for organizing this beautiful measure and emphasized that this fair is unique as the employers present vacancies corresponding to the specialties of ASUE.

The participants of job fair, ASUE students and alumni attended presentation-speeches at ASUE Big Hall at 13:00.

The job fair was organized by ASUE Foreign Relations Department. Aghavni Hakobyan, Head of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division, stated that the purpose of the event was to become an effective platform for leading companies, employers and University alumni in the Republic to find the job they seek in.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division