ASUE Lecturer is Invited to Teach at a Partner University

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Albert Hayrapetyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair of International Economic Relations at ASUE, Ph.D in Economics, will teach at the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don) at the 2nd half of this academic year.

This University is a partner in Jean Monnet's network project, and within the framework of this cooperation, the Institute of History and International Relations of the Southern Federal University invited Albert Hovhannisyan to hold lectures. Our lector will teach the course "International Economics" in the international group of Master’s degree.

It should be noted that Albert Hovhannisyan holds lectures at foreign Universities within the framework of the “Erasmus +” program, and is a stakeholder of the international institute “GERGE-EI”.

Congratulations to ASUE member. We are glad that the participation of ASUE representatives in international projects of the University contributes to the professional development of the teaching staff and the strengthening of cooperation and partnerships.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division