The Name of Zhora Mardanyan is Immortal

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We are sorry to inform you that Zhora Mardanyan, the 1st year student (part-time) of management specialty, Faculty of Management, died in the Artsakh-Azerbaijani war.

He was conscripted to the army a year ago - on January 29, 2020. According to Dean Manuk Movsisyan, Zhora was a hard learning, bright and kind boy.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division met Zhora Mardanyan a year ago in the General Division of the University. On the eve of the Armenian Army Day, we were preparing a special report dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the army, talking to students who had returned from the army and were conscripting to army. One of our heroes was Zhora, we had the honor to talk to the immortal soldier of the homeland. He was so happy and proud that day that he was conscripting to fulfill his sacred duty. The smiling young man answered our questions with love, ensuring that everything would be fine.

Eternal glory, immortal hero of the homeland!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division