ASUE Lecturers Have Two-Week-Training in Austria, Netherlands, Slovakia and France

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In January-February, 2020, trainings within the frames of “Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova” (REFINE) “Erasmus +” Capacity Building in Higher Education project co-funded by the European Union  was organized in a number of Universities, which were attended by Karen Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Macroeconomics, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor (Austria, Vienna), Armen Ktoyan, Head of the Chair of Statistics, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor (Slovakia, Košice), Armine Schanyan, Associate Professor at the Chair of Finance, PhD in Economics (France, Nice), Vanine Yeranosyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair, PhD in Economics (the Netherlands, Amsterdam).

ASUE International Relations Division informs that during the trainings regarding the reform of the “Corporate Finance” Master’s degree program, lecturers have recycled their subject curricula and reference list, collaborating with the best specialists in relevant European universities. As a result of the joint efforts modernized and updated curricula have been developed in line with the latest international developments, which will contribute to the development of students' professional capacity and full satisfaction of labor market requirements.

A number of professional issues, as well as possible ways of further cooperation were discussed within the frames of the trainings.

Let’s recall, REFINE is coordinated by International Relations Division at ASUE. It is a three-year-project, which is in action from October, 2017 to October, 2020. More information regarding the project is available under “International Programs” section ( See the project official website.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division