ASUE Members are United by Unconditional Love for the University: Honorary Head of ASUE Chair Aram Sargsyan

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Dear ASUE members,

this year is a jubilee one for us. We celebrate the 45th anniversary of the founding of our native University. launches a series of interviews with the participation of senior and young lecturers of the University. At the core of  which is our beloved ASUE, the old and new ASUE, from the Yerevan Institute of National Economy to the University of Economics, which, true to its high name, is always on its way of scientific-educational reforms. The interviews are blitz, reflect the love of the interlocutor, the thoughts towards ASUE.

Our first guest is Aram Sargsyan, Honored Lecturer, Honorary Head of ASUE Chair, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, standing at the roots of the University. He has been with ASUE for many long years , one of the creators and witnesses of the history of the University development. We have prepared 14 questions and asked them to answer the most dear ones, but Aram Sargsyan answered all of them, noting that everything connected with the University is close to his soul.

The whole interview is available at Armenian version.

To be continued…

ASUE Media a nd Public Relations Division