ASUE Researchers Took Part in an Online Conference and Established New Cooperation Relations

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On May 15, 2020, Employees of "Innovative and Institutional Research" Scientific-Educational Laboratory of our University and researchers carrying out external grant research programs within the laboratory took part in the 9th international online confernce entitled “Economic Management Strategies and Toolkits: Sectoral and Regional Aspect” organized by St. Petersburg University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO).

Atom Margaryan, Director of the Labaratory, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, told that he had been  involved in the  organizing committee of that conference and made a report on the innovative relations of the EEU countries at the plenary session. He  also  noted  that researchers of the  Labaratory Harutyun Terzya, Emil Grigoryan,  and  ASUE emloyees and postgraduate students  involved in grant programs of the RA Science Committee staff  implemented under its leadership, (Arsen Petrosyan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations, Edgar Tagharyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Macroeconomics, Ani Hunanyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Macroeconomics)  also took part in the conference.  Atom Margaryan  noted  that  the research team of the laboratory headed by him with the research group of the mentioned St. Petersburg University (headed by Dr. Irina Sergey, PhD) developed and submitted an Armenian-Russian grant competition application to the Science Committee of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture  and Sport.

"As our partners at St. Petersburg University carry out very good Master's degree programs in the field of innovation economics and technology management and have great experience, we have agreed to cooperate with them not only in research, but also in the field of training specialists in innovation economics"; Atom Margaryan presented.

Let’s add that the list of new Master's degree programs to be introduced at our University from the next academic year also includes the "Economics of Innovation" educational program (for a brief description of the specialty - here), the head of which is Atom Margaryan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor. As it was mentioned, agreements have been reached with the partners of St. Petersburg to carry out exchange programs between specialists and students teaching within the framework of new Master's degree programs.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division