Diana Galoyan Attended the Kick Off Session of the Jean Monnet Programs in Brussels

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On November 18-19, Diana Galoyan, acting Rector of Armenian State University of Economics, attended the kick off session of the Jean Monnet programs held in Brussels.

ASUE Foreign Relations Department has submitted the information and reminds that ASUE has received funding to carry out the Jean Monnet program for the first time. The application was submitted by ASUE Chair of International Economic Relations in 2018, coordinated by Diana Galoyan, Head of Chair at that moment. See more information on the program.

During the meeting in Brussels all the components of the program implementation, including financial management, information access and dissemination requirements, as well as individual meetings with each program coordinator were presented to funding program coordinators in details.

Our colleagues inform that the solemn opening ceremony of the EU-funded Jean Monnet program “The EU Policy, Operating Regulations and Administrative Structure” will be held on November 25, at 14:00. Additional information will be submitted soon.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division