ASUE 2021 Activity Report was Approved at Scientific Board Extended Sitting

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Today, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan summed up the activity of the passing year of the Armenian State University of Economics in the Scienific Board extended sitting held at the Big Hall, attended by Scientific Board members, ASUE lecturers, administrative staff and students.

Introducing ASUE 2021 activity report and draft budgetary plan 2022, the Rector noted that in chronological terms, this report coincides with the one year of her appointment as Rector, so she evaluated it as the report of her one-year-activity. "So, I want to thank all of you for your work and dedication. 2019-2020 was a difficult period for us, but we have proved that we are a team by the 2021 activity, we all had our contribution in increasing the efficiency of the University, improving the quality of education, recording unprecedented results, for which I personally want to thank all of you as a team, each of you as a member of ASUE family"; Diana Galoyan noted at the beginning of her speech.

The Uiversity Head comprehensively presented the University annual report, according to ASUE 2018-2022 development strategy and 5 goals of the action plan: improvement of the quality of educational programs, increase of the level of activity efficiency, application of applied research-education integration and research-economy cooperation, expansion of internationalization, as well as introduction of principles of academic ethics and social responsibility.

See Rector's report on all directions at the Armenian version.

ASUE Scientific Board decided to approve the key indicators of the results of 2021 academic and financial-economic activities of the Armenian State University of Economics and draft budgetary plan 2022 and to submitt it to ASUE Board discussion and approvement.

Let's recall, the annual report of the University, reflecting the activities in details, will be posted at the ASUE official website after ASUE Board approvement.