Served Students are Returning, the Conscripts are Recruited: Pride and Excitement

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The moments of their visit to the General Division of the University are full of the feeling of love, longing, and patriotism: our patriots and brave guys ... the collaborators accept the application and say "welcome" or "good service." ASUE students, who have served to their homeland, return to their native University to continue their studies, and the students of conscription age are inspired to leave for service, as they state "For the sake of our homeland, for the sake of our parents, for the sake of our future "…

They were very inspired to learn that we were preparing a report on the Armenian Army Day, and then those who, are leaving for service promised to return and continue their education, and those returning to learn well, become a competitive specialist and be a worthy soldier of their homeland in civilian life.

Congratulations, glorious Armenian Army!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division