Bitcoin Expert Held an Open Lecture at ASUE

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Although it’s examination session at ASUE, but members of Faculty, collaborators, students and SSS members took part in an unique meeting-lecture held by Hovhannes Tebelikyan, our compatriot, businessman, bitcoin expert living in the US, founder of own bitcoin company in the USA, the first to launch  bitcoin vending machine in the US state of California, employee of Sony company. He covered the topic of "Mechanisms of Bitcoin Operation", emphasizing the use of digital currency. Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice Rector for Science, David Hakhverdyan, Director of AMBERD research center, Lilit Dadayan, Advisor to Rector, were present at the meeting.

Introducing the guest, David Hakhverdyan assured the audience that the meeting will be held in a practical and informative atmosphere.

The expert began the lecture with a brief overview of paper money creation, then analyzed bitcoin creation and consolidation, compared paper and digital currencies. The lecture was practical. The expert was analyzing the mechanisms of application of cryptocurrencies.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division