ASUE Members Attended Information Seminars in Tbilisi

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On November 18-20, Tatev Yeghyan, Senior Researcher and External Grants Officer of AMBERD Research Center and Arpine Jraghatspanyan, Chief Specialist of International Relations Division, attended information seminars on “Horizon 2020” application development.

ASUE International Relations Division informs that the experts invited by the European Commission presented to the participants how to apply for “Horizon 2020” program, what are the priorities, how to develop a successful program and budget, what are the criteria for assessment? Participants were able to apply their knowledge in the practical field through team work.

This series of seminars has been a favorable platform for establishing business partnerships for ASUE members: agreements have been reached with a number of Georgian Universities to establish and develop inter-university relations.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division