ASUE Hosted Lector of Kaunas University of Technology

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ASUE and Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania) have another effective interaction within the frames of “Erasmus +” program: our University hosted Elena Vitkaauskate, lector at the above mentioned University of Lithuania, digital marketing and business planning specialist. She delivered lectures on “Canvas Business Model” and “E-business Models” for the 4th year students of economics specialty, touching upon the business models of the digital environment in the world market, including e-business models, the Canvas (Worldwide Successful Business Model) features.

Albert Badalyan, PhD in Economics at the Chair of Commerce and Business Organization, ASUE, lector of “Business Planning” course, told that in addition to the lectures, Elena Vitkaauskate met Mikayel Mardumyan, Head of the Chair of Commerce and Business Organization, discussing inter-chair interaction, syllabus, Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE Foreign Relations Department and Vard Ghukasyan, Head of International Relations Division, touching upon cooperation issues between two Universities.

Let’s recall, International Relations Division coordinates “Erasmus +” program at ASUE. See more information at “International Programs” section,

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division