Christina Ahmadjian’s Lecture for ASUE Students and Professors

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Today, by invitation of ASUE Foreign Relations Division Christina L. Ahmadjian, Professor of Hitotsubashi University (Japan) delivered an open lecture entitled “Japanese Miracle: Challenges and Lessons Learned” for ASUE students, professors and collaborators.

Assistant Professor of the Chair of Finance Anna Vardanyan contributed to the organization of the meeting by inviting Armenologist, historian and author of the book "Armenian-Japanese Historical Cultural Affiliations” Artsvi Bakhchinyan.

First, she submitted information about Hitotsubashi University and then referred to the peculiarities of Japan's economic growth after the Second World War. In this context, professional analysis was presented on the principles of Japanese governance, support for society's economic advancement, and cultural peculiarities. The Professor pointed out that there were two economic miracles in Japan: at the beginning of the 1900s and after the Second World War. They also discussed economic challenges, clarified their link with aging society, women's status and other factors. At the end, the attendees asked questions.

Assistant, an expert of the history of Japanese culture Anna Vardanyan, who was ASUE first student studied at Tokyo and Aomori State Universities with a two-year-exchange program told Media and Public Relations Division that the meeting was valuable because students were aware of the Japanese miracle, as well as the Singapore miracle, and these examples, experience and lessons can be applied to the rising economy of Armenia in the post-revolutionary period.

At the end of the lecture Artsvi Bakhchinyan gifted “Armenian-Japanese Historical Cultural Affiliations” book to Christina L. Ahmadjian, expressing hope that there will be new opportunities for cooperation

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division