ASUE Students Andranik Margaryan, Hayk Kalantaryan, Davit Minasyan - Awardees of the CBA Scholarship

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According to the information posted on the official website of the Central Bank of Armenia, the results of the next scholarship competition named after Isaak Isahakyan, the first Chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia, have become known. Research and analytical works performed by 8 students from Yerevan State University and Armenian State University of Economics were presented for the competition. Assessing the work of the students, the Central Bank Board decided to provide scholarships in the amount of 50,000 drams for a period of 6 months to three students. All three are students of ASUE: David Minasyan, Andranik Margaryan, Hayk Kalantaryan.

See the full text of the article in the Armenian version.

We congratulate our advanced students and wish them new achievements in studies and science!

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division