ASUE successfully joins the UN SDSN - UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network

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The Board of Network Strategy of Sustainable Development Solutions Network approved the membership of ASUE to UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. ASUE applied for membership in the network still in 2021 and by meeting all membership criteria and requirements, we managed to become full member of Sustainable Development Solutions Network. We should point out that ASUE is the only institution from Armenia that is member of the network.

As a full member of SDSN, ASUE will have privileges when using SDSN Mobilize online communication platform that enables to communicate with experts in the sphere of sustainable development, participate in many events and conferences, reveal and participate in different grant programs and cooperate with other scientific and research institutes.

More than 1647 universities, research institutes, foundations, regional networks and NGOs are members of UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. The Network started its functioning in 2012 under the auspices of UN Chief Secretary.