ASUE Team - "New Generation of Statisticians", as the "Best Creative Team" at the International Olympiad

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On May 13-15, the final of the 7th Eurasian Student Olympiad entitled "Analytical Economics and Forecast" was held in Minsk, Belarus, and a group of 3rd year students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics representing our University - Angelina Aghababyan, Geghetsik Dallakyan, Lilit Ghazaryan, Milana Husikyan and team leader, Associate Professor at the Chair of Statistics Anush Shirinyan have returned with victory.

As the participants told, they learned about the Olympiad in December, 2020, from the announcement posted at ASUE official website, and immediately started preparing the articles. During this period ASUE team - "New Generation of Statisticians", successfully presented our University among 40 countries around the world, and passed to the final, where the competition was between teams from 14 countries. Our team was included in the top three ones, being awarded the “Best Creative Team” for its presentation on "Assessment of Soft Power Potential".

While being interviewed, the team members and the head expressed gratitude to the University Leadership - Rector Diana Galoyan, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Armen Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Statistics Armen Ktoyan and Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics Sos Khachikyan for the best support.

Sos Khachikyan, touching upon the victory of the team, stressed that all the participants are high-achieving students, he personally witnessed their hard and consistent work, which was often overtime. The University Leadership has done its best. He added that the success of the students is a good precedent in terms of internationalization of education.

We also congratulate the team leader and members, wish them new individual and team success on various platforms.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division