ASUE Was Presented at the "Career and Professions Day" Event

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Today, ASUE members Lusine Khurshudyan, Knarik Grigoryan, Nina Hovhannisyan and Grig Karoyan participated in “Career and Professions Day” event held in Sevan and represented ASUE.

With the joint efforts of ASUE Leadership and Student Council the University of Economics was properly presented at the event, which lasted about 4 hours and was full of performances, courses, discussions, talks around the pavilion, movie screenings about different professions. Pupils of Basic and High schools in Sevan and students of Sevan Multifunctional State College participated in. Thus, the representatives of different Universities and colleges in Armenia provided them with information on the peculiarities of secondary vocational and higher education, professions and qualifications, and job prospects. The organizer is the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

While being interviewed, our student Nina Hovhannisyan noted that the Faculties and professions of the University were presented in ASUE pavilion, through an interactive game we got acquainted with the future applicants and handed them gifts with ASUE logo. Pupils and students were greatly interest in the University of Economics, and we hope that many of them will choose our University in the coming years.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division