Business Ideas Contest: Future Marketers’ Presentation

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Today, future marketers again came up with new innovative ideas and suggestions. The task of developing a business plan may have been repeated, but the ideas and suggestions were completely new. Lecturers of “Marketing” course taught the 4th year students at the Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization, Associate Professor at the Chair of Marketing Marine Nikoghosyan and Assistant Professor Tsovinar Sargsyan instructed students to develop and present their business ideas from the acquisition of raw materials to the packaging and trading process.

Students interested in business did their best to organize the presentation of their ideas properly.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Armen Grigoryan, acting Head of the Chair of Marketing Vadim Grigoryan, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization Ara Mkrtchyan were present and evaluated the students’ business ideas. Then acting Rector Diana Galoyan also joined colleagues and enjoyed the students’ presentations. Vice Rector Armen Grigoryan noted that the students could cooperate with ASUE Change Lab and get useful consultation.

The lecturers had initially stated that the best business ideas would be awarded and handed tickets of cultural entertainment places.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division