The RA NA Vice President was Hosted at ASUE

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Today, ASUE Big Hall was overcrowded: students and the staff were waiting with great interest the RA NA Vice President Alen Simonyan, who held an open lecture on "Media Literacy and Communication Skills".

ASUE acting Rector Diana Galoyan introduced the guest, expressed gratitude to Alen Simonyan, then added that the students of the University of Economics are interested in open lectures, within the frames of which they gain valuable information about different fields presented by the speakers. "This is how we are trying to fill the gap of non-formal education"; the Head of the University stated.

"The World is full of information, it’s a weapon, and all those who possess information and know how to properly direct it are in a favorable position"; the RA NA Vice Speaker began his lecture. Speaking about the nuances of media literacy and communication, he emphasized the importance of sources of information, the right choice of headlines and photos, short texts. “All texts, photos and captions should aim to break the will of others. The information should be clear and influential”; Alain Simonyan stated and presented media coverage of various events that had some effectiveness, depending on the situation.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan summed up the meeting expressing gratitude and hope that such meetings would be continuous.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division