Celebrities at ASUE: creative questions and inspiring answers

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On the occasion of the International Student Day, the university Student Council congratulated the future economists in a unique way: they hosted RA outstanding figure Khoren Levonyan and model, actress and broadcaster Lusine Tovmasyan, the famous boxer (who took many places in international arena) Rafayel Hovhannisyan and ASUE lecturer, co-founder of Gyumri Museum of Illusions Grisha Amirkhanyan.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan has welcomed and congratulated the students: “This is the period for you to create, achieve all possible heights and I am sure that with the assistance of ASUE you will reach your goals and contribute to the development of the RA economy. You are the driving force that motivates us to live and create”.

There were famous guests, warm audience, interesting questions and sincere answers and wishes.

They also found out that Lusine Tovmasyan has never worked in her profession (diplomat) but it helped her during her life and life can surprise her and maybe one day she will work in that profession. She responded to the question posed by the student about her most powerful diplomatic weapon to which she responded ‘my smile’.

Grisha Amirkhanyan confessed that he does not know how to entitle the book about his life but the version from the audience “Art to quickly orientate” was close to his heart.

Authors of the best answers were awarded gifts and other students were awarded some unexpected gifts as well.

It was finalized by a group photo where everybody tried to find their place.

For more detailed information please see the Armenian Version.