Economics in school to provide new quality and format: teacher training at ASUE

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3 dozens of teachers lecturing Economics in schools of Armenia were trained at ASUE during the conference and training sessions.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan spoke about the necessity to train teachers working at High Schools and teaching Economics to strengthen their knowledge in Economics and Financial literacy during her meeting with school directors still in April, and highlighted the training directions.

The training is a reality: teachers of Economics, Social Sciences, and Entrepreneurship had an opportunity to listen to lectures in the sphere of economics and finance at ASUE, as well as design the subjects in new quality and format.

Welcoming the teachers, ASUE Rector, Doctor of Economics, Professor Diana Galoyan pointed out that she attaches importance to the role of teachers in educating the young generation. “It is evident that we have a smart generation where the school is strong and the teachers are excellent”.

Representatives of ASUE academic staff spoke about the strategies to prepare competitive specialists, how important educational sphere changes are, how to predict current challenges and rise to them. They also spoke about modern methods of teaching as well as “Current issues of financial literacy” that is sometimes difficult to teach at schools and the application of new tools can increase motivation of schoolchildren.

Teachers were satisfied with the training. Teacher of Economics from N 114 High School Lusik Marangozyan pointed out that the discussions were meaningful and contained ideas to apply in practice.

Teacher of Social Sciences from N 170 High School Gayane Sargsyan said that the new teaching methods that were presented were beyond the stereotypes and will serve its main purpose.

The participants were awarded certificates as a final step and their willingness to participate in such training sessions was highlighted by the participating teachers.

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