Participants of PM Course Were Awarded Certificates

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Today, the participants of the 2nd course of PM conducted by Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division of ASUE External Relations Department were awarded certificates. Representatives of the mentioned Department attended the event.

Let’s recall, new PM course - Project Management Fundamental Course, were conducted from July 14 to August 18, held by Sona Matinyan,  PMI International Qualified Expert, PMI-Armenia Vice President and Board of Trustees, Head of ASUE International Relations Division, sharing in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of Project Management.

Today, transferring from online mode to live communication, Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE External Relations Department, welcomed and congratulated the participants.

“PM topics are up-to-date, and knowledge related to the field can be applied to almost all areas of life, while carrying out both large and small projects"; Director of the Department noted.

Awarding the certificates the trainer expressed hope that the cooperation and relations with the participants won’t be interrupted.

Aghavni Hakobyan, Head of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division, told that 9 participants attended the course including ASUE professors, students, graduates and employees from different sectors. She added that after the course was over, a survey was conducted, all participants expressed a positive opinion and evaluated the effectiveness of the course.

Representatives of the Department of External Relations, emphasizing the continuity of education in all age groups, noted that such courses would be continued.

Congratulations and good luck!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division