ASUE master students join the customs administrators

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After the defense of master theses in “Customs Administration” educational program, during the final certification process, ASUE awards 16 graduates of the 2022-2023 academic year, who will soon join knowledgeable and qualified specialists of the RA economy.

"Customs administration" is one of the master's educational degree programs of the university, where the education is delivered by the best professors of the university and experienced specialists of the field. The 1.5-year educational program was introduced in the 2020-2021 academic year. This year, the second generation of graduates leaves the university.

"For years, customs administration specialists have not been educated in Armenian universities, and two years ago, the university leadership set itself the goal of filling that gap. Today, we can state that we have succeeded in this master's educational degree program and we provide the sector with high-quality specialists", Grigor Nazaryan, head of the "Customs Administration" educational degree program points out.

According to Ara Mkrtchyan, Head of the Chair of International Economic Relations, the theses introduced are valuable and applicable, because they are supervised by knowledgeable scientists and educators, and most master students design their research work based on practical skills: "More than half of master students have worked in their specialty sphere concurrently with their studies, many of them are sure that the topical knowledge obtained can contribute to job advancement," says Ara Mkrtchyan.

"Peculiarities of EAEU customs policy, problems and ways to solve them" is the topic of Aram Baghdasaryan's master thesis. While studying at this educational program, Aram has worked as an accountant, in the sphere of imports and its accounting processes, which required from him the skills of a customs administrator.