New Professional Perspectives for master students at the "Audit" educational degree program

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33 graduates of ASUE "Audit" specialty will soon continue their professional career as masters of economics. Most master students that specialize in this 1.5-year educational program and most of the ones defending master's thesis are the best bachelor graduates of ASUE that decided to continue their education at this master’s degree program in order to acquire practical and theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with international standards.

Graduates of this educational program can apply for the position of the head or member of an audit firm, audit committee, experienced accountant or accountant-auditor. The program has been in operation for 3 years, continuously providing a high level of admission. According to Liana Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Managerial Accounting and Audit at ASUE pointed out that more than 90 percent of students in the current master's degree program work in their chosen profession.

The experience of professional work in companies providing audit services has helped Varduhi Tamanyan develop her master's thesis entitled "Issues of Financial Ratio Analysis", based on practical knowledge and experience. One and a half year of study, according to Varduhi, was an important period to obtain both profound and versatile knowledge and practical skills. It is also a wonderful prerequisite in order to complete the third cycle of higher education with research work at ASUE postgraduate course and get new work perspectives.