Tony Fadell visited ASUE within the frames of Starmus VI festival: “father” of iPod revealed his key to success (photos, videos)

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“Failures are the basis of any success” – the world famous inventor Tony Fadell points out and confesses that pain only motivates him and leads him to be strong.

Fadell has Lebanese roots and he is an American inventor, designer, entrepreneur and investor. He invented iPod trademark of APPLE. For his exclusive investment in the sphere of IT, in 2017 Fadell was awarded the prize of the RA President.

The speech of the famous inventor at the conference on “Discover the universe and change the world” on the topic “Technologies that combine the universe and the world” thousands of people listened to his speech with great interest. Leadership, academic staff and students of the University of Economics have listened to the famous and charismatic guest with great interest. The meeting with Fadell has become a great event for every person. It was a great honor for the famous inventor to be hosted at the University of Economics. He confesses that student years are the best time to start something new.

Fadell has become successful at the age of 31. He had success by overcoming many difficulties that have never suppressed him. He was Michigan University graduate when he worked as DJ and had to carry heavy discs on his back.

Fadell has worked 10 years with the founder of Apple Corporation Steve Jobs. He answered to the student’s question if it was easy to work with Jobs, and his answer was ambiguous. “There are people who are led by their ‘ego’ and people led by their mission. Jobs belonged to the latter ones and always criticized not people but their job”.

“When I employ somebody at my company, first of all I ask the person what they want to learn from me” – the inventor pointed out and added that desire to learn should accompany a person during their lifetime.

In order to see the videos, please follow the link.

ASUE is the official partner of Starmus VI.

Starmus speaker, another leading scientist Jean-Jacques Dordain’s visit and lecture will be held at ASUE on September 9.