Dollarization in EAEU Countries: SSS Member Lectured

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Today, the second meeting conducted by SSS members within the frames of “Future Lecturer” challenge was held . Narine Petrosyan, the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, “Economics” specialty, SSS member, reported on “Dollarization in EAEU Countries”.

The lecture was attended by ASUE acting Rector Diana Galoyan, Advisor to Rector Lilit Dadayan, members of academic staff and students.

The 1st year student of Faculty of Finance, SSS member Alla Harutyunyan introduced the speaker, noting that all SSS members may make such speeches once a week.

Narine Petrosyan first explained the phenomenon of dollarization, then touched upon the factors contributing to it, the indicators of valuation and decision making, the dollarized countries and the macroeconomic consequences.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division