Earthquake Remembrance Day and Disaster Resistance Day at ASUE

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By the order of the President of the Republic of Armenia Armen Sargsyan on October 24, the law "On Holidays and Remembrance Days of the Republic of Armenia" was amended, according to which December 7 will be marked as the Day of Remembrance of the Earthquake Victims and Disaster Resistance.

Today, the 1st year students of ASUE Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization paid tribute to the victims of the devastating earthquake and reaffirmed the importance of learning from the past and being prepared to face disasters.

Siranush Harutyunyan, Associate Professor at the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense, ASUE Responsible for Emergency and Civil Protection Functions, organized the lecture, which was attended by Ara Mkrtchyan, Vice Dean of the above mentioned Faculty, lectors of the Chair, collaborators, invited guests from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division