Education and research internship at ASUE has started

View count: 80

Internship period for ASUE graduate students started today: at the bachelor's degree the internship is educational, and at the master's degree – research-based. Duration is 8 weeks for full-time and part-time bachelor's degree programs, and 10 weeks for full-time master's degree program.

This semester, 1309 graduate students will take internship: 808 students are full-time bachelor students, 453 are part-time bachelors, and 48 are master’s students. 39% of students will serve their internship at their workplaces, 19% - at the company of their choice, and 42% at ASUE partnering organizations.

This year, ASUE students are more interested in ASUE and choose it as their internship venue. 20 students are interns at various departments of ASUE.

We wish success to our students, effective internship period, thus obtaining new abilities and professional self-confidence.