"Lecturer Cup - 2024" was finalized

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On January 23-30, the 12th inter-university sports games "Lecturer Cup-2024" were held at ASUE on the initiative of the University of Economics and the Student Sports Federation of Armenia. This championship included 6 sports types: shooting, table tennis, rapid chess, basketball, and badminton where about 200 professors and employees of 15 Armenian universities took part in.

Today, this sports event was finalized by an award ceremony. Armen Grigoryan, ASUE Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, and Hovhannes Gabrielyan, the organizer of the event, Head of ASUE Chair of Physical Education, ES and CP, President of SSFA, awarded the teams and participants taking the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places with medals, cups and souvenirs.

ASUE is the winner of the 12th inter-university sports games "Lecturer Cup-2024" by the total number of medals received.

Please see the photo series of the games on ASUE Facebook page.

For more detailed information about the winners, please read the Armenian version.