EU Erasmus +: lecture, participation in the conference at the Stefan Cel Mare University

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Tatevik Vardanyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair of International Economic Relations hosted Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceava (Romania) from April 27 to May 4 within the framework of "Erasmus +" program. She had a lecture on "Challenges and Opportunities of International Migration of Labor" within the framework of Strategic Management course for a group of bachelor’s and master’s. Tatevik Vardanyan told us that the topic was especially interesting for the audience because Romania had serious migration problems.
Our lecturer also participated in the conference on tourism held by the Ukrainian School of Commerce and Economics at Chernovtsi. Tatevik Vardanyan presented the tourism potential of the Republic of Armenia and the report was of great interest for the ukrainian colleagues and students. She also noted that numerous suggestions for cooperation with our university were propounded by Romanian, Ukrainian and Moroccan partners.
ASUE lecturer toured the Armenian historic-cultural monuments in Suceava and participated in the Book Festival.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division