Excitement and Suggestions: Meeting with "Erasmus +" program participant ASUE lecturers and staff members

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ASUE Rector, professor Koryun Atoyan and Foreign Relations Division initiated a meeting with "Erasmus +" program participant ASUE lecturers and staff members. The participants whose visits were planned till December, 2018, were also invited.
ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan welcomed the presents, expressed his satisfaction with the mobility program. The purpose of the meeting was to explore the effective way of ASUE staff business trips within the framework of "Erasmus +" program, get acquainted with existing problems, discuss the practice of partner universities, listen to suggestions. However, Vard Ghukasyan, the Head of the Foreign Relations Division, presented ASUE's participation in the "Erasmus +" program. ASUE has applied to the program since 2014, and from 2015 the academic and administrative staff and students' trips have begun. According to Vard Ghukasyan during these 3 years, our university had about 80 members participated in this program some of them participated several times. This year we have 11 new participants. By the way, a participant can apply once a year. ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan had a number of questions to the participants to find out the current approaches. The first question was about the information availability about the project and the participants highly appreciated information availability, and not only about the "Erasmus +" program, but also in all the spheres of the university. Head of ASUE International Economic Relations Chair, Doctor of Economics Diana Galoyan also noted that the whole information about the activity, programs was available on the official website and on Facebook page. She also suggested the staff and the students regularly visit our website and always be informed. Vice-Dean of the Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations Arsen Petrosyan also stressed that there was no problem with the information availability.
Later was the questions about the foreign language knowledge of ASUE staff and lecturers, the effectiveness of the meetings organized during visits, the tasks after the return, particularly the introduction of accountability mechanisms. It was suggested and discussed to create a club for the participants of the Erasmus + program. The rector thanked Vard Ghukasyan, the head of the Foreign Relations Division for the implementation of the project, Gohar Gevorgyan the head of Media and Publice Relations Division for the full coverage and publicizing the whole process, as well as the participants of the program.
The head of the Foreign Relations Division thanked rector Koryun Atoyan noting that the participation of ASUE won’t be successful without his support.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division