EU Erasmus + is the way to education and intercultural communication

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According to the agreement signed between Armenian State University of Economics and Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece) within the frames of “Erasmus+” program Lilit Dadayan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of ASUE Chair of Marketing and Vanine Yeranosyan, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Finance were hosted in the Athens University of Economics and Business. They lectured for the Erasmus + program students on April 22-28. Lilit Dadayan lectured on "Intercultural Marketing" in two ways "Peculiarities of verbal and non-verbal communication in the context of different cultures" and "Intercultural advertising and copywrighting". We learned from Lilit Dadayan that the lectures were of great interest for young people representing different cultures and educational traditions. Lilit Dadayan told the students about Armenia, touched upon the historical and cultural past and present, spoke about the educational system of our university, presenting the scientific research directions. Our lecturer was also present at the commemorations of the 103rd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Athens on April 22-23.
As we learned from Vanine Yeranosyan, the topic of her lectures in the framework of "Business Economics" course refered to the project schedule and cost planning. Lecturer also answered the questions. Vanine Yeranosyan assessed the efficiency and constructiveness of meetings with the University Library, Erasmus + Program staff and Head of Business Management Chair.
It’s noteworthy that there were 6 Bachelor's students from our University studying at the Athens University of Economics and Business within the framework of "Erasmus +" students exchange program.
"Erasmus +" program is coordinated by the ASUE Foreign Relations Division.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division