Your students quickly specialize and move forward: start of the new cooperation

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Armenian State University of Economics and “Fincontrol” Ltd will exert efforts to prepare high quality specialists for the labor market. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan and company director Roman Movsisyan have signed the Memorandum of Cooperation today. Director of ASUE External Relations Department Lusine Danielyan and Head of Career Center Tatev Vardanyan were present at the meeting.

“We attach importance to the inclusion of employers in study processes, improvement of study programs, and provision of students’ growth and acquisition of respective skills. Employers should assist the academic community to jointly prepare high quality and experienced specialists for the labor market” – Rector Diana Galoyan pointed out.

“We are grateful for the preparation of excellent specialists. Graduates of your university are different as they quickly specialize, grow professionally and move forward” – the company director highly appreciated it and highlighted that this impression was reinforced by the work activities of ASUE graduates.

Roman Movsisyan pointed out that Fincontrol Ltd provides accounting services, outsourcing, as well as financial and legal consultations.

We should also identify that this cooperation will also provide the best employees for the company in the future.