University of Economics and Chamber of Auditors and Expert Accountants: new agreement

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On November 14, the Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics Diana Galoyan and the President of the “Chamber of Auditors and Expert Accountants” NGO Tatul Movsisyan have signed Memorandum of Cooperation. The two institutions will cooperate in broad scope as written in the document, implementing activities to increase professional development and qualification, experience exchange and professional discussions.

Welcoming the new cooperation, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan assured that the first results of this agreement will soon be evident. “We will soon review and modernize the study programs of “Accounting” and “Audit”. I am sure that this cooperation will reap its results and we will have opportunities to provide high quality education to students as well as offer them employment” – Diana Galoyan pointed out and expressed her gratitude to the NGO for this cooperation as well as to the Head of ASUE Chair of Financial Accounting, Doctor of Economics, Professor Hayk Mnatsakanyan for their assistance.

President of the Chamber Tatul Movsisyan pointed out that after signing this agreement, their institution will direct its efforts towards the university system, and towards the student as the main beneficiary of this profession.

The agreement will enable the Chamber of Auditors and Expert Accountants of Armenia to provide modern professional literature to ASUE, design and develop study programs for the university, and participate in attestation commissions. ASUE academic staff will take part in training courses, seminars and discussions, the Chamber will assist the students to establish connections with business community, as well as assist them in the process of internship and the best ones will be awarded the nominal scholarships.

Representatives of the World Bank, members of RA Ministry of Finance, ASUE lecturers as well as auditors and accountants have also welcomed this new agreement.

Welcoming this cooperation, Head of the Chair of Financial Accounting of ASUE, Doctor of Economics, Professor Hayk Mnatsakanyan pointed out: “I am sure that we will succeed and this will be really effective”.

At the end of the meeting, representatives of the Chamber have donated to ASUE library copies of the book authored by Tatul Movsisyan “Accounting”.

For more detailed information please see the Armenian Version.