“Future Lecturer” Challenge will Join SSS Members: the Start is Given

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The event “Student- Lector” within the frames of the Youth Holidays has encouraged the students and the start of new initiatives is given. It has challenged high performing, creative students by allowing them to express themselves in front of an audience and make suggestions.

“Future Lecturer” is a new challenge, the start of which was given today, co-authored by Anush Annanyan, Associate Professor at the Chair of International Economic Relations, PhD in Economics and Alla Harutyunyan, SSS member, the 1st year student of the Faculty of Finance.

Today, Alla delivered the first lecture entitled “China Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”. The lecture was attended by Deans Manuk Movsisyan, Vahe Mikayelyan, Grigor Nazaryan, lecturers and collaborators.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division