Global Money Week at ASUE

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On March 22, within the frames of the 10th anniversary of Global Money Week, Armenian State University of Economics, Central Bank of Armenia and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development conducted a panel discussion at ASUE. The aim is financial awareness-raising among youth. Global Money Week attaches importance to this problem in its slogan of this year being “Build Your Future, Be Smart about Money”.

The advice on being smart about money was abundant at ASUE today. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, wishing a lively and efficient discussion to all participants, pointed out that the reason of this unprecedented interest towards the topic lies in the magical word “money” in the title of the discussion topic. The rector also highlighted the fact that in the limelight of global developments, education in finance has its core significance.

“Such master classes presented by best specialists of the sphere teach how to be financially aware, have respective skills and abilities, not to make mistakes in these processes, and besides knowledge exchange, they also advise on hands-on usage of money as well as how to manage it carefully, with knowledge and awareness” – Diana Galoyan pointed out.

ASUE head of chair of Finance and Insurance, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Ashot Mardoyan presented the main reasons of inflation in RA and later pointed out: “It is evident that our students have profound knowledge in financial management as well as they have practical skills and abilities”.

Other panelists also introduced their presentations, and talked about FinTech and its regulations, financial markets and influence of Russian-Ukrainian war on it that was followed by interesting discussions.

The prospective economists were very enthusiastic during the speech of the expert in financial education of the Central Bank of Armenia Araks Manucharyan who enriched her speech with different periods of the young financier’s personal life and lessons learnt. The representative of CBA shared her positive impression on ASUE students, speakers and organizing team when talking to us: “I personally found out many new ideas during the speeches, students’ questions were interesting and we can conclude that their educational level is deep and their interests are miscellaneous and she hopes that her speech was topical and will enable the students to become more aware citizens. Financial awareness in the 21st century is a skill and there are many issues and challenges in the world we need to be aware of”.

Students posed interesting and miscellaneous questions that were duly addressed by the speakers. They even asked some bold and creative questions that were addressed in the same manner.

The topic attracted many participants and the hall was full of students and all the participants received certificates.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Armenian version.