The regular session of the Scientific Council with a full agenda took place

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On March 23, the Scientific Council session started with the first item on the agenda being the vacancy announcement to fill the position of the head of the chair of Management and its implementation. The Rector of the university and Chairman of the competition commission affiliated to the Scientific Council, the honorary head of the chair, Professor Aram Sargsyan held speeches on the first item of the agenda. ASUE Rector pointed out that from the beginning of the year announcements for the vacant positions of the heads of chairs have been posted and implemented for the chairs managed by acting heads of chairs. The last announcement was posted for the vacant positions of heads of the chairs of Management and chair of International Economic Relations and for the first job opening, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the chair of Management Gagik Aslanyan applied for whereas nobody applied for the chair of International Economic Relations and therefore no competition will be held.

After the presentations and discussions, Gagik Aslanyan was elected the head of the chair of Management and Argam Artashyan was awarded the scientific title of an associate professor by secret ballot.

A number of documents were discussed and approved at the Scientific Council session that were presented and reported by university rector Diana Galoyan, vice rectors Armen Grigoryan and Tatul Mkrtchyan. They presented mainly the changes to be made in the Statute of awarding honorary titles at ASUE and members of the Scientific Council held speeches making their suggestions. The Statute will be amended and again presented to the Scientific Council.

Some changes in the student survey implementation process for course assessments were presented and approved, issues connected with credit recovery of students, internal transfer of students, changes in the process of tuition fee calculations as well as provision of royalties to the academic staff who have published their papers in Scopus and Web of Science journals, report that highlighted that a significant part of ASUE academic staff have already registered on different scientific platforms that was assigned by the Rector on January 26, 2022. ASUE Rector pointed out the evident progress and encouraged to put more effort into obtaining higher results.

Vice-rector for Science presented the activities of “Amberd” Scientific Center, the scientific directions offered to internal and external beneficiaries in 2022 as well as the list of research topics, pointing out that the center successfully cooperates with state governance and local self-governance bodies three years in a row. The research carried out at the center increases the visibility of the center and reinforces its reputation.

Titles of the dissertations and scientific supervisors were approved as well as the Scientific Council approved to publish the handbook “Business Communication and Business Negotiations” of PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Anna Minasyan from the chair of Management and the handbook “Tax Control” of the lecturer, PhD in Economics Diana Minasyan working at the chair of Managerial Accounting and Audit.

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