Lecturer of Gyumri Branch Presented the RA Banking System at the Bulgarian University

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International cooperation within “Erasmus +” program is active not only at the main Economic University but also at its Branches. Lilit Avetisyan, lecturer of ASUE Gyumri branch was hosted at Tsenov Academy of Economics (Bulgaria) and lectured on “The RA Banking System” for Bachelor’s degree international groups. Our delegate drew the foreigners attention on general description of Armenia's banking system, features of financial sector.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division contacted Lilit Avetisyan, who stated that her working visit, conducted on May 13-19, was quite effective, besides the lectures, it was full of meetings aimed at establishing new cooperation opportunities.

Lilit Avetisyan, accompanied with lecturers of Tsenov Academy of Economics,  visited cultural and educational sites in Bulgaria.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division