ASUE Hosted Member of AUEB Administrative Staff

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Today, students interested in studying in Greece, got aware of detailed information submitted by

Angeliki Panagiotidou, collaborator of AUEB administrative staff, was hosted at ASUE within “Erasmus +” program. Representatives of International Relations Division of ASUE Foreign Relations Department met the guest in the morning, then accompanied her to ASUE center for international programs to hold the planned meeting.

With a remarkable presentation, the delegate of the Greek University submitted necessary information about AUEB programs, the peculiarities of foreign students education (including "Erasmus +" students), answered students' questions.

In the second part of the lecture, she touched upon the University's career and internship center’s activity, work with students and alumni, and contact with employers. Paruyr Jangulyan, Director of ASUE Foreign Relations Department, Lilit Gyulgyulyan, Head of Labor Market and Alumni Affairs Division, Vard Ghukasyan, Head of International Relations Division, Aghavni Hakobyan, Head of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division, collaborators asked questions and presented a series of questions for discussion.

Then Angeliki Panagiotidou accompanied with Lilit Mkrtchyan, leading specialist of International Relations Division, took a tour around ASUE buildings, got acquainted with the Faculties, activity of some Divisions, the process of computer exams.

Note, ASUE develops ongoing cooperation with AUEB and ASUE representatives will go to Greece to participate in the international training week soon.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division