Head of VivaCell-MTS HR Division Spoke about Competent Self-presentation

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Many lectures on developing the skills of proper presentation to the employer, particularly CV writing and interviewing skills, exchanging new knowledge are delivered at ASUE. HRM specialists of different organizations lecture for our students.

Today, the 3rd year students of Marketing specialty studying “Marketing Ethics” attended a lecture on the above mentioned topic delivered by Mariana Edilyan, Head of HR Planning and Development Division at VivaCell-MTS. Lilit Kolyan, Associate Professor at the Chair of Marketing, PhD in Economics, invited the guest.

CV writing and interviewing: these were the key topics on which Mariana Edilyan drew the attention on and emphasized - how and why. The students listened with great interest to the speech of the specialist of the leading operator in Armenia, who delivered the key message, the first impression, the correct self-presentation - from the style of speaking to the dress. The representative of VivaCell-MTS also informed the students about the Viva-Star training program.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division