I am a Part of ASUE Since 1975: Martin Fahradyan

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Dear ASUE members, we restart the series of blitz interviews dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the University, presenting the love and admiration of senior and young lecturers, record the best moments that have become a memory. Martin Fahradyan, Professor at the Chair of Statistics, PhD in Economics, is our interlocutor.

- Describe your ASUE with one word or phrase.

- ASUE is a living environment, where the scientific-pedagogical activity of the lecturer is being carried out. In other words, it is the second purest place after the family, where all the noble ideas and thoughts typical of the individual must be revealed.

- How many years have you been working at ASUE?

-In 1969, after graduating from YSU Faculty of Economics, "Finance and Credit" specialty, I immediately started working, and since 1975 I have been working at ASUE, holding the position of Professor at the Chair of Statistics.

- What does bring you to the University every day?

- I come to the University not only to get the necessary knowledge, but also to share it with our young generation, at the same time to communicate with colleagues, to get not only the necessary energy from them, but also to share the scientific pedagogical experience and skills.

Read the whole interview in the Armenian version.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division